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This portfolio is a compilation of the many house painting jobs House Painter of Avon have done throughout the years. With over 20 years in the business, our painting specialists in Avon, CT, mastered a wide range of materials and methods, all to offer superior quality and exceptional service to our clients.
You can rest assured that everything we do is founded on solid research and development practices. Our expert painting specialists in Avon, CT, give their all to every project they take on, with attention to detail while focusing on the most efficient means of keeping our clients happy and satisfied.
This is the finished product of the custom kitchen our licensed house painters in Avon, CT, designed for one of our customers. The homeowners opted for such hues to further emphasize their minimalist, contemporary aesthetic. Our painting specialist in Avon, CT,also used a simple color scheme of white and gray to complement their home’s existing furnishings.
The homeowners wanted an aesthetically pleasing façade that would complement the neighborhood. Thus, our licensed house painters in Avon, CT, centered the design for this project on the home’s traditional aesthetic. The colors are lively but also go well with their house’s sleek, contemporary lines.
The homeowners wished to have the best of both worlds in their dining area, so our painting specialists in Avon, CT, decided to use a color scheme to make the room appear larger and have a relaxing vibe. The color palette combines a refreshing grey and white.
Since every home is different, our licensed house painters in Avon, CT, will collaborate with you to provide a design and color consultation, present a cost estimate, and go through any special requirements. We are dedicated to creating a positive experience for our customers from the moment they contact us through the time when they leave a review.
412 W Avon Rd Unit 17,
Avon, CT 06001
Copyright © 2023 Avon Professional House Painter